Easy But Effective Ways to Advertise Your Small Business

When your business is just starting out, one of the most challenging yet crucial tasks is advertising it. You may have trouble translating your values into an engaging message. Maybe you’re having problems with getting that message across to potential customers. Some owners just don’t have the budget to spend big on promotional campaigns. 

These issues are often related to traditional methods like expensive outdoor and TV ads. Thankfully, there are many ways to get your business out there without breaking the bank or putting in much effort.

Getting Listed on Google MyBusiness


One of the things you probably do when searching for a product and service is to find out if there’s a business nearby that offers it. Then, Google will automatically show you a list of establishments near your location that offer the products or services you’re looking for. Some of them even have user reviews that help you decide which one to trust. That list is from Google’s MyBusiness (GMB) platform that’s absolutely free to use.

Despite being free, less than half of businesses utilize GMB. Don’t make the same mistake. It’s easy to get your company listed there. Just go to the official homepage and go through the signup process. Once you’re done, click on the “verify now” button on your dashboard so Google can send you a PIN in the mail to activate your MyBusiness account. It doesn’t stop there, as there are ways to improve your listing as well. 

  • A Clear Description – Make sure your company description is comprehensive and shows your business’ unique offerings. Did your company win any awards recently? Get it in there. Do you offer imported products you can’t get anywhere else in Denver? Let your customers know about it. The more you stand out, the better. 

  • Professional Pictures – You should be uploading photos of your business on your GMB profile too. If you have a restaurant, show what your place would look like from your customers’ perspective. Take a picture of your location from the street. Snap another one while sitting on one of the chairs in the dining area. For B2B, show pictures of your employees on the job. 

Once you have it all set up, search for your business on Google and see what else you can improve for your listing. Make sure to update this when you move locations or change phone numbers.


Use Digital Ads



If you want to double down on online advertising, both Google and social media sites like Facebook offer digital ad packages that fit every budget. Google Ads gets your business at the top of your customers’ search results when they look for your products and/or services online. You pay Google for every click you get from them. As such, you may want to hire a professional to manage your pay per click campaign. This way, you can focus on your other business processes while you’re cashing in on the sales generated by your digital ads.

While traditional advertising methods are effective ways of reaching your audience, they take a huge amount of time, effort, and money to implement. By using the digital methods above, you can engage your customers without spending too much cash. And because they’re automated and easy to use, you’ll have more time and energy on actually running your company.

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