Biggest Hiccups of the Child Support System

Little girl holding a teddy bear with parents in the background

Divorce is difficult for all parties involved, but it comes with extra challenges for dads who don’t have custody of their children. After all, they’re normally the ones who need a child support lawyer in Denver to face the many challenges that arise with regard to this key component of any divorce where children are involved. That’s particularly true when you’re talking about the child support system as a whole.

1. It’s painfully outdated.

The system that guides child support was first conceptualized 40 or so years ago. While the end goal of the system remains noble — to ensure that children in divorce get the financial support they need to live a full life — it’s horribly outdated by modern standards.

After all, the original system took into account 1970s sensibilities where the husband is the breadwinner, and the wife is the housewife. This explains the bias against the dads when it comes to child support.

2. It’s biased.

Today, such gender roles are no longer applicable. Many families now have both mom and dad working. In some case, it’s perfectly acceptable for a dad to be the one at home tending to the family.

The inflexibility of the child support system means that dads can get a very bum deal if they have low income or if they have no income at all. Regardless of existing conditions, today, dads need to pony up the cash monthly or face many troubles.

3. It’s unkind.

Truth be told, any child support lawyer in Denver will tell you that a lot of dads want to ensure their children are well supported financially. With the child support system as it is, however, it can be hard for fathers to take care of their kids.

That’s particularly true when the payments start to accumulate into larger and larger amounts. This creates pressure if income isn’t high enough. There’s no due consideration for the current state of the father — making it easy for dads to fall into crippling debt.

4. It encourages no involvement.

Woman hugging her daughter
Ask any kid on the receiving end of child support, and they’re likely to tell you that between money and the presence of their fathers, they would rather have their fathers still involved in their lives. Unfortunately, the existing system is more focused on enforcing the payments over anything else.

This creates many more problems than it solves. Some dads, for instance, start to see their own children as a burden monthly. Others develop a sense of shame when they aren’t able to hand in their payments.

Again, divorce isn’t easy for all parties involved, but it is very tough for dads — especially those who are struggling. While it’s going to take a very long time to change the letter of the law when it comes to child support systems, dads aren’t without recourse in these difficult times.

Engaging the services of a dependable lawyer will help alleviate the weight and burden that this aspect of child support can bring. Make sure you choose a lawyer with genuine care for your struggles and proven ability with this regard. It’s certainly a big help.

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