Clever Real Estate Marketing Techniques You Can Try

real estate

Marketing is a tricky game. It’s hard to know what will work and what won’t, but there are some clever strategies that you can try that might get your marketing strategy off the ground.

There are many ways that you can market your property for sale. Some realtors offer significant discounts, free food, and wine during open houses. Others offer help securing USDA loans.

All of these are simple yet effective tactics to get your real estate business on the map. Check out some fresh marketing ideas:

Put together a team of professionals to handle as much as possible for you.

You will need an art director and copywriters to prepare professional marketing materials for you, someone to handle photography, and a videographer if necessary.

Make sure that you hire a writer familiar with real estate copywriting, even if the task seems simple enough for an amateur. A professional photographer should take the photos, but some excellent free online resources allow you to edit the images yourself.

You can also hire someone else to create infographics to accompany your blog posts, so you don’t have to spend time on those tasks.

Create videos that sell a lifestyle, not just a house!

Once you’ve got your team in place, create lifestyle videos that can be used on social media. The video should show the prospective client’s life if they bought this property and explain why they would love living there.

Showcase areas of interest in the town or city; cultural spots, shopping places, the best coffee shops and restaurants, the best places to relax, where the locals hang out, etc.

Don’t forget to show your property off in its best light! The lifestyle video should be more about life if you lived there rather than an extensive property tour.

You don’t have to hire big-name actors; friends will often volunteer their services for free just because it’s for a good cause.

You can also make sure that there are plenty of interior shots so that potential clients can see just how perfect this house is before they even step inside.

Get testimonials and reviews from previous clients.

Your prospective buyers may want to know what other people think about the property, so why not provide them with some testimonials from past purchasers?

You can also offer a review form on your website and encourage people to leave honest reviews. These will become useful if you decide to provide a referral program.

Create a website that is user-friendly and easy to navigate.


It has become increasingly common for buyers to look for properties online, so it would be worth your while getting a good, professional web designer on the case to create a site that illustrates precisely what your property has to offer. Ensure that all the essential details about the property are easy to find and that your website is mobile-friendly.

If possible, create a blog on your site, talk regularly about anything and everything concerning real estate and architecture, and make sure you regularly share photos on Instagram or Pinterest.

Once it’s ready, link all the social media accounts you have set up for your business and make it clear on the website that all real estate listings are shared via them.

This will allow potential buyers to follow, like, or bookmark your page, ready for when they need a new property.

Take care of all the paperwork.

Yes, customers hate paperwork and applications. It’s a pain, and the fees for applying can be astronomical.

When selling property, make it as easy as possible for interested parties by streamlining all of your documentation and creating a standard set of forms that potential buyers would need to fill out before they could put in an offer.

Catering for today’s tech-savvy society allows potential business partners to fill in their details online.

This means that all you have to do is print the forms off, sign them where necessary, and submit them along with your usual documentation when needed.

By doing this, you’ll make their lives easier at a time when they’re feeling stressed and probably rushing around trying to resolve a thousand different problems.

Remember, you want to make it as easy as possible for potential buyers to buy from you — the more time they spend thinking about your property and finding out more about it, the more likely they are to place a bid.

When it comes to selling property, you need every advantage that you can get — after all, there are hundreds of other agents out there who are competing with you for the same potential buyers, and they’ll do anything to beat you.

As a real estate agent, understanding human behavior is one of your biggest weapons. If you can work out what makes people tick, you’ll be able to find a way to appeal to them and convince them that this property is perfect for their needs.


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