Creating an English Garden in Your Business Premises

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Over 235 countries are affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, making it probable that the new normal situation will extend next year. Nonetheless, with so much free time at hand with all these social distancing and shelter-in-place regulations, now is probably the best time to start planning on building your commercial English garden when spring starts.

What Exactly Is an English Garden

English garden or English landscape garden is a garden-style that has emerged and grown popular in early 18th century England. It is regarded as a revolt against the architecturally patterned and symmetrically designed gardens of the time.

According to the poet, Alexander Pope and essayist, Joseph Addison, trees should be allowed to grow in their natural shapes and the natural wavy lines of nature are good.

An English garden is noted for its picturesque architecture that creates an idyllic pastoral landscape. To achieve this whimsical, relaxing, and professionally-designed landscape, you have to understand that its cultivation requires time and dedication.

Important Elements of an English Garden

A Statement Entryway

Whether it is an apartment balcony, a small yard, several acres of land surrounding a house, or a business center, a statement entryway to your English garden creates a fairytale-like effect that will surely impress your friends and family. A simple gate or an archway entrance surrounded by vines and bushes will do the trick. Aside from its aesthetic value, adding a gate or entryway to your garden helps keep your four-legged friends from ruining your flowers and plants.

Bright and Contrasting Plants

An English garden is never complete without the “old-fashioned” plants like roses, peonies, hydrangeas, foxgloves, hollyhocks, cosmos, and daisies. You may also add native plants to support local wildlife. Create a lush and layered landscape by combining bright, contrasting, tall, and short plants on your flower beds. Remember, if you do not go after structure, shower it with colors.

If you are working on a limited space, consider using an assortment of pots for your plants. By using the same concept of mixing and matching different bright-colored and contrasting perennial plants, you will have a garden in no time. Select pots of different sizes and shapes to achieve a free-flowing, idyllic look.

Luscious Greens

Never forget that the element of green is always important in building an English garden. Aside from planting flowers, invest as well on some green bushes and grass. Have a commercial excavation contractor deal with your difficult soils and subterranean condition to ensure that your plants grow on healthy soil.

If your space allows, you may plant trees such as Hawthorn, Snow Gum, Zuni Crape Myrtle, and many others to achieve a complete English landscape-feel. Having a tree in your garden also helps create a much-needed shade for your plants since too much brightness is never ideal for a garden.

Climbing Blooms

Maximize the use of your arbors, pickets, and trellis by nurturing the growth of vines and other climbing flowers such as roses and wisteria. You may also opt for scented plants like jasmine and sweet pea to add olfactory delight to your English garden. Though it is tempting to snap up every variety that seems catchy, achieve a more lavish look by combining just two types of climbing flowers.

Bird Baths, Ponds, or Fountains

outdoor pond

Any typical English garden has a water element. May it be a small birdbath, a pond, or a fountain, a water feature completes the idyllic and pastoral landscape you are trying to achieve. Furthermore, any of these structures makes your English garden more interesting and inviting to explore.

Pathways and Hedges

Pathways and hedges are also important features in an English garden. Ideal materials to use for constructing pathways are gravel, bark, stones, and brick pavers. Selecting natural, unobtrusive colors for pathway materials helps create a relaxed and free-flowing ambiance. Apart from adding aesthetic value to your garden, design your pathways to be functional.

Adding well-manicured hedges to your pathways helps create structure and formality to contrast the whimsical design of your English garden.

Outdoor Furniture Accent

Now that you have outlined your flower beds, pathways, entryway, and other English garden ornaments, invest some time and money as well on your cozy outdoor furniture set that will allow you to enjoy the scenic view of your garden. Choose bold hues for outdoor furniture to create a focal point that is hard to miss.

No matter what garden style you choose, a carefully laid plan before you start your garden project will ensure that its construction will be much easier and the results will be breathtaking. Research further for more garden inspirations that will suit your taste and your area.

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