Cybersecurity amid the Pandemic: How to Protect Your Business

data protection

Cybersecurity is a top priority for every business. In fact, this has become a growing concern during the pandemic due to the threats of cyberattacks. These threats include phishing, malware, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, and business email compromise (BEC).

Evidently, most businesses and consumers have gone digital in pursuing transactions amid the COVID-19 crisis. Most of the employees have also been working from home (WFH) due to pandemic restrictions. As such, online crooks such as hackers and scammers have been on the loose, looking to commit cybercrimes.

If you’re not going to protect your business, it will be vulnerable to cyberattacks. It can lead to a security breach of your business data and customers’ information. It can go as far as compromising your finances and leading to your business shutdown.

That said, here’s how to boost the cybersecurity of your business during the pandemic:

1. Set email security in place

Emails are the most vulnerable among online entry points. If left unsecured, they can easily and quickly get compromised. This problem happens if your employees take your business emails for granted. For this reason, have your employees use software that scans emails to detect viruses and harmful links. While at it, orient your employees about keeping their emails secure at all times. Lastly, advise them to be wary of suspicious emails as well as clicking links and opening attachments.

2. Ensure strong password creation

Companies and organizations use and set passwords for business protection. They ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your business systems. However, it’s vital to ensure a strong password creation. The last thing you want to happen is for unscrupulous people to access your business data and information. As such, be sure to have a strong password creation with a combination of letters, numbers, and alpha-numeric characters. Also, have multi-factor authentication for passwords. Lastly, require a regular password change among your employees.

3. Have end-point protection for all devices

Thanks to modernization and technological advancement, the Internet of Things (IoT) has allowed physical devices to stay connected to the web. As such, people can do business with you anywhere in the world. Your employees can also work remotely as long as they have a personal device and access to the internet. However, your business must ensure end-point protection for all your employees’ devices. That said, be sure to install antivirus and anti-malware apps and update them with the latest patched versions. Plus, don’t forget to use software that detects and blocks security threats.

4. Secure the server and perform network testing

Lock as symbol for Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation on a notebook computer

Apart from all the devices used, the server itself is crucial for any given business. Why? It ensures ongoing and consistent business operations, especially during the pandemic. While having a stable internet connection is a priority, your server protection is a top consideration too. One way to do so is to have your employees use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) while they WFH. This network will conceal your employees’ IP address, encrypt the data sent and received, and secure the internet connection. While at it, be sure to conduct network testing to ensure the overall network performance of your business.

5. Orient your employees on cybersecurity measures

A crucial part of the overall equation is to educate your business staff on cybersecurity measures, especially if and when they’re working from home. That said, be sure to orient them on the following:

  • Protecting emails
  • Creating strong passwords
  • Updating security settings
  • Installing apps and software
  • Accepting regular updates
  • Securing their devices and network

Most importantly, all your employees must comply with the online security guidelines set in place. If they don’t, be sure to hold them responsible and accountable.

6. Have a reliable IT support team

In this time and age, running a business requires one to have a solid IT team. As you may be aware, most companies utilize the web and digital technologies to run a business. As such, they need an IT support team to oversee their business’ systems and networks, employees’ devices, and the hardware and software used. When it comes to this, you have the option to create your team of IT professionals or hire outsourced IT services. Regardless, ensure that you have a highly reliable IT team.

Boosting your cybersecurity is imperative during this pandemic. Be sure to consider all the cybersecurity measures recommended above—from ensuring email security and securing the server to having a reliable IT support team. With all these in place, you’ll have robust cybersecurity that will protect your business amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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