Which Countries Are Offering A Digital Nomad Visa?

Traveling while working online has become a trendy lifestyle. You only need your laptop, and one day, you can be in a small village in Italy and fly off to a beachside town in Thailand in a few weeks. However, most countries would consider it illegal to be in their territories and work on a tourist visa, even if your job is online and with a company in another location. Also, tourist visas expire after 30 to 90 days, and renewing them so you can stay longer might not be a smooth process depending on the country’s immigration policies.

Most countries and their visa laws don’t recognize that digital nomads are somewhere between a tourist and an immigrant. This makes it a little challenging to work and travel, especially if you found a place you would want to spend more time exploring. Either leave for another location or stay and get the proper work permit which isn’t always easy and cheap.

Then came the digital nomad visa, which is also known as remote worker visa or freelancer visa. While only a handful of countries is currently offering this kind of visa, it’s still good news that digital nomads are getting recognized. Hopefully, other countries will soon follow suit because having the correct visas mean there wouldn’t be a need to worry about your immigration status or bail bonds in case worse comes to worst that you get in trouble.

Top Five Countries With The Digital Nomad Visa

So far, there are more than 30 countries that have started the digital nomad visa option. The five countries listed here are the ones with lesser conditions and lower income requirements. Here they are:

1. Portugal

Portugal offers two kinds of visas that are related to a remote workers’ visa. The first is a temporary resident visa and then a residence permit for independent workers and entrepreneurs. Both visas last for one year and are renewable for up to 5 years. Eventually, you can apply for a permanent residency.

To qualify for these visas, you should have proof of monthly income of at least €600, business ownership, or financial means to support yourself. You would also need private health insurance and a background check. These should be easy and no trouble, especially since Portugal has terrific food and surfing spots.

2. Mexico


Mexico is a top destination for digital nomads because of its beaches and art scene, which travelers can enjoy for an extended time as they have a 6-month tourist visa. Recently, an exodus of expats living in Vietnam flocked to Mexico after the country started implementing tighter visa regulations. Temporary resident visas for remote workers are also available as long as you have a monthly salary amounting to at least $1,620 for the last six months or a bank balance of $27,000.

3. Mauritius

This island nation located off the eastern coast of Africa is known for its beaches, jungles, and mountains. It’s perfect for digital nomads who enjoy nature without worrying about their visa situation.

Anyone working remotely for a company outside of Mauritius can qualify for the digital nomad visa of the premium visa, as they call it. You may also need proof of insurance and plans to stay in the country may.

4. Germany

Freelancers and self-employed individuals can live in Germany for six months up to three years with their residence permit. Although it may take a maximum of four months to get approved for this kind of visa, it’s worth the wait as the country does not have many requirements. You can apply for it as long as you have a residence, health insurance, and proof of financial stability

5. Georgia

Georgia is not on many top destinations list even if it is a beautiful European country with so much character and nature to offer and an affordable cost of living. This country is a good choice for digital nomads who enjoy some peace to focus on work. Also, the requirements aren’t difficult to meet. You only need to work online for a company based elsewhere that allows you to earn at least $2000 per month with health insurance. The downside is the mandatory 14-day quarantine. But it’s an interesting destination especially if you enjoy going to places not many people have visited.

The Digital Nomad Lifestyle Is Growing

Remote working and the digital nomad lifestyle are slowly growing and reaching the mainstream consciousness. Pretty soon, more countries will begin to offer it to welcome more people from all over the world to contribute to their economy and rebuild their tourism industry. So, plan your next trip and pack your bags. If your dream destination is not yet offering it, wait and give it a few months.

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