Exploring Marketing Strategies that Aren’t Digital

Blank billboard or poster located in underground hall

The most common way to advertise your business nowadays is by going online and creating your own digital presence. This is the logical thing to do because of how cost-effective it is compared to other traditional advertising strategies and how many people scroll through their social media applications every day.

But suppose you carefully analyze how bigger companies carry out their marketing strategies. In that case, you will find that they are still employing non-digital methods that prove to be effective for their target market. They have their own online presence to keep up with the ever-growing internet community, but they never forget about their roots in simple advertising strategies that made them who they are now.

As a growing business, you may be looking for ways to keep your marketing plans fresh and appealing. If you notice that keeping your ads online is no longer giving you a boost in awareness, interaction, and sales, consider trying out the following marketing techniques that seem to have been left in the past but still work just as well today.

Blank billboard for advertisement at twilight


Billboards are giant advertisements that demand people’s attention. You can use these to market new products and services, ensuring that drivers, passengers, and passersby know about your business. The important thing here is that you have done your research on where to strategically place your ads. Location is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of a billboard, not just to aim for visibility but to reach your target market at first glance. Billboards may also be the most expensive way to advertise in this list, increasing further in price if digital billboards are to be used.

Public Transit Ads

Compared to billboard ads, public transit advertisements have the advantage of movement where more people might see them as the vehicles are traveling places. Having your print ads placed on moving vehicles ensures that you get as much visibility as possible. A common way to do it is by partnering with bus companies to do the advertising for you on their vehicles.

Trucks are also available to be used as these allow for larger dimensions that are more eye-catching. But partnering with bus and truck companies must be done carefully. Make sure that you will be working with companies that uphold all safety precautions while driving and that they know their rights and responsibilities. This may involve attorneys for truck labor and other legal services for their own safety.

Printed Handouts and Flyers

Print ads that you can post on different establishments or hand out to people may be considered old-time by some people, but they can still work depending on how you execute the task. These methods have the advantage of being able to notify people immediately of events in your business that will happen soon.

Having them posted or handed out physically can give the air of urgency that encourages people to grab the opportunity right away, compared to digital posts that let people think it over and ultimately ignore. Using print ads is also a very cost-effective way to market new products and services that you can easily measure the success rate of.

Event shows

Business presence can be taken literally by being involved in big or relative events. This means having your own booth to entertain event-goers and endorsing your products and services in the process. You can partner with companies hosting the event knowing that both of you will benefit from each other or become a sponsor to establish your credibility to support worthy causes.

Clothing Prints

Apart from papers and tarpaulins, you can have your adverts printed on clothing. Having your business name, logo, and details on clothing apparel like shirts and hats and even bags and umbrellas can show your dedication to your business. Having these worn by your employees increase visibility and awareness whenever they leave the business premises. These are also the most durable kind of advertisements that will last for a long time, ensuring that you get your full money’s worth. Make sure that your designs are readable by studying the fonts, placement, size, and everything else.

These ideas are good to explore, but they should not keep you from establishing a digital presence. These should go hand-in-hand with your online marketing strategies, aiming to assist your goals even in the physical world. Even though they may cost more, they can help to further strengthen the bond with your current customer base. These are always good additions that will be appreciated by people who think that brands nowadays are lacking in creativity and innovation. So find the best ones that suit your business and take advantage of both worlds to progress your venture effectively.

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