The U.S. Government Is Helping Fight Climate Change, But Is It Enough?

temperature at the beach

Time isn’t on our side when fighting climate change. As the days pass by, we’re only making our situation worse. Thankfully, many governments worldwide, including the U.S. government, are finding ways to fight climate change. It is still unknown whether this will stop this destructive force from consuming the planet, but at least our country is doing its job to change all that.

Climate change scientists claim that we only have a few years left before climate change damages become irreversible. For many of these scientists, the next few years will determine what life on our planet will be like in the future, and it’s up to us to make that difference.

The government is now taking drastic measures to keep climate change at an all-time low. From implementing electric cars to the crackdown of oil companies, the government is doing its best to save our planet from this devastating force of nature.

Electric Cars

Electric cars are considered the vehicles of the future, and the Biden administration agrees with that. This is why President Biden is planning to sign an executive order to ensure that half of all vehicle sales by 2030 will be from electric vehicles.

Some argue that this might be a political move to fatten the administration’s pocket. However, this isn’t entirely the case. The U.S. government has always been pushing for the transition to electric cars, ever since they’ve existed. But it’s always been delayed because of various reasons. Now that there is real action towards pushing electric vehicles into the commodities market, experts believe it can drastically reduce the U.S.’ carbon footprint by more than 50%.

This is a good move in the right direction. But that’s not the only thing that the current administration has planned.

A Crackdown on Oil

The way we produce oil is becoming more hazardous to us more than ever. We all know of the devastating consequences of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill more than a decade ago. We also know that the oil industry produces about 75% of the world’s carbon footprint. That’s a huge amount, and it seems that they’re starting to care less. But the current administration believes that they should care more.

The administration’s climate chief, Gina McCarthy, plans to sit down with oil company magnates to discuss their selfishness regarding climate change. She’s planning to talk about what these companies are willing to do for the environment and whether they plan to reduce their carbon footprint or face charges.

This is the kind of move we need if we want oil companies to take responsibility for what they’ve done to our world. Lastly, local businesses need to be involved in this movement.

small business owners

Local Businesses Care

The government is incentivizing local businesses to give back to the environment. Some do this through simple ways such as segregating their trash and recycling used plastics and other materials. At the same time, many others do it by starting outreach programs in nearby national parks and reserves.

Local businesses are giving back to the environment. They are giving back to the national parks and reserves by letting local tree care services take care of the surrounding area. Some of these services head into national parks and reserves to cultivate growing trees, plant new ones or even do some tree surgery on those dying. Some do partner with other companies and do outreach programs with them.

Businesses that do this have some exemptions and favors from the government, given that they are doing their part in saving the environment every year. For example, this annual effort helps maintain the U.S.’ national parks and reserves alongside other environmental efforts done by governing bodies.

All of This Effort, But Is It Enough?

There is no right answer for this question as of the moment, but scientists in NASA believe that no matter what we do today and in the upcoming years, the effect of climate change will still be around for a long time. This is even if we completely reduce our carbon footprint by 75%.

So if that’s the case, what’s the point of all this effort? Well, doing these actions means that the detrimental effects of climate change would stop. This means that the world’s temperature seizes to increase, devastating storms and hurricanes would be less likely to occur, and the environment would be able to repair itself in the coming years. In short, it means that we can have a brighter and greener future ahead of us, instead of our world looking like Mars.

That in itself is a good enough reason for the government to stop climate change. It will save all our lives, and with that, our hopes and dreams for the future.

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