Improve the Accuracy of Your Simulation and Monitoring Methods by Implementing Automation

Presentation about automation as an innovation improving productivity, reliability and repeatability in systems or processes

Using automation in critical points in the build process, production stage, all the way to the post-release of a product simplifies the testing and monitoring processes involved in each of these phases. It also speeds up the rate at which the results are returned for analysis. Here’s how it works:

Improves Accuracy in GPS and Navigational Systems

The integration of GPS and other navigational systems has become a standard feature in mobile devices and applications. These systems require constant testing and fine-tuning to ensure accuracy and reliability. One of the ways to improve these processes is the integration of a jamming threat simulator into the “build” environment to mimic real-world conditions and run these recorded scenarios to see if the program responds the way it’s supposed to. This type of testing method reduces testing time and yields more accurate results, which ensures that a product or a feature is thoroughly tested before it reaches the production stage.

Automation also allows for the integration of continuous testing during the production stage, in order to catch any flaw or issue that may develop at this point. For GPS and navigational systems, a rigid testing method is required to ensure that the program returns information that is accurate and absolutely reliable. Jamming simulation is a vital component of the testing process that is best done using an automated procedure.

Ensures Business Continuity Through Real-Time Monitoring

Automation provides engineers with the ability to spot any potential issue, respond to alerts right away, and implement the necessary solution in case a problem occurs. Real-time monitoring is essential in ensuring the continuity of service and reducing the occurrence of downtimes. Through automation, monitoring can be done anywhere, 24/7, and the data can be accessed whenever it is needed.

It uses a program that sends the data to a remote server that can be accessed by engineers at any given time, provided they have the credentials to do so. This has changed the way programs and systems support businesses and has greatly improved the technological landscape in the world of digital commerce.

Improves Team Efficiency and Work Flow

Automation concept

Perhaps one of the most important effects that automation brings is that it improves work efficiency by speeding up certain processes in the software development life cycle. In this case, it allows developers and engineers to complete ongoing projects faster, allowing them to allocate more time to work on their work-in-progress items. It also gives them time to streamline the work process and improve the value stream map. These are essential steps in developing a more effective and efficient workflow and producing better products and services.

While there are parts in the work process that still require human intervention, automation is key to creating a more secure and stable deployment pipeline, developing features and services that add value to the product, and improving user experience with programs and systems that are made for convenience. In the fast-paced world of commerce and technology, automation helps ensure the success of your product and your organization.

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