Maintenance and Energy-Efficient Hacks for Commercial HVAC Systems

If you treat your HVAC system at home with care and proper maintenance, then you should also exert as much effort for your commercial unit. Your workplace can save more on energy costs with a well-maintained HVAC system, and you can always ensure you and your employees’ comfort because the system is working optimally.

Maintaining a commercial HVAC system isn’t that much different to maintaining a residential unit. But since it’s for a wider-scale purpose, it may need upgrading to have its efficiency maximized, so your company can reduce energy costs in turn. Moreover, you may need to have it serviced more frequently because its heavy usage can degrade its functionality over time.

That said, here are some useful tips to help you maintain a commercial HVAC system and reduce the energy costs associated with it:

1. Replace Air Filters Every 1 to 6 Months

Regularly checking and replacing air filters is the simplest and easiest way to ensure that your HVAC system delivers quality air. When you notice that the air filters are already teeming with dirt even before the 1-month mark, replace them immediately.

2. Assess Air Quality

If your HVAC system emits a foul-odoured air, then dirt and other pollutants could be accumulating in the vents. Once you smell something odd in the air that only seem to be there when the HVAC system is turned on, have the vents inspected for molds and other dirt.

3. Adjust Supply Registers

Supply registers are the parts of an HVAC system that supply air and ventilation to multiple areas of a building. To increase efficiency, you may need to close some and leave others open, depending on which area the airflow is needed.

4. Adjust Thermostat to Ideal Settings

Setting the thermostat too high during the winter will undoubtedly escalate your energy costs. The same would happen if you set it too low during hot weathers. Set the thermostat to 20º C during winter, and 26º C during summer. Keep thermostat levels under control by investing in programmable thermostats.

5. Upgrade the System

As mentioned, system upgrades might be necessary for commercial HVAC systems in order to have their efficiency maximised. Consider having balancing and control valves —  specifically high-quality (Pressure-Independent Control Valve) PICV valve — installed in your HVAC system. This provides better temperature functioning and hydronic balancing, two essential components of an energy-efficient HVAC system.

6. Explore Newer HVAC Technologies

fixing HVAC system

The growing trend of energy efficiency and sustainability has also driven HVAC manufacturers to modify their technology. Some latest HVAC models can automatically adjust its temperature levels based on time and allow remote fixes. Look for similar models to save on energy costs.

7. Avail Professional Servicing Periodically

A professional can inspect every nook and cranny of an HVAC system and identify red flags or any existing problem. It’s advised to get professional servicing annually or twice annually to have parts like the air handlers, dampers, air ducts, and cabinet and supply ducts examined. If neglected, dirt and debris may accumulate and spread in these parts, degrading the performance of your HVAC system and shortening its useful life.

Even with more advanced and energy-efficient HVAC models emerging in the market, we still shouldn’t abandon the diligent practice of maintaining and boosting the efficiency of our units. In return, your business will enjoy the benefits of improved air quality and lower energy costs.

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