Of Portfolios and Online Presence: The First Steps in Freelancing

Because Freelancing is a huge industry. In 2017, 36% of the American workforce are freelancers, annually contributing $1.4 trillion to the economy.

It’s such an appealing career option that 63% of freelancers prefer it over day jobs. 51% of freelancers never go back to the regular 9-to-5. This is mostly because of the most defining benefit of freelancing: a flexible schedule–not to mention the average weekly salary of $797.

Because technology has made it so much easier to connect with clients, the majority of younger generations enter the freelancing world. According to UpWork, 53% of GenZers and 40% of millennials are freelancing.

The youthfulness of this workforce coincides perfectly with the ‘job-hopping‘ and ‘start-up generation’ claims. When one comes to think of it, freelancing is a personal business.

It’s fair to say that vacations and huge bucks don’t come overnight for freelancers. They need to build their brand and advertise their skills.

Build an amazing portfolio

Think of a physical store. They wow customers with interior design and quality products. For freelancers, that’s the purpose of a perfectly built portfolio.

Your freelance portfolio should showcase what you can do, who you are, and how to reach you. An online portfolio would be most accessible, and it’s easy to navigate. You can easily place contact details and social media, previous works, biography, and samples.

However, it’s not just limited to those because it can also be a way to present your creative process and passion to your future clients. Here are bits and pieces of information you can include:

  • Instead of simply posting your work, consider talking about how you came up with the idea or concept, the challenges, and a little description of the work. This way, the clients will not just bounce around your portfolio, and they will learn more about you.
  • Talk about your strong suits in your ‘about me’ section. This could include your interests and passion so that the client will know if you’re right for the job.

social media

Your portfolio can also be your go-to space for storing your works. If you need to refer to an old project, you can search for it there. Make sure to have archive data software, so you wouldn’t run out of storage space and lose your works in the process.

Create a social media presence

Nowadays, this is crucial for every business out there. Presence on social media does not only serve as a low-cost means for advertisement. It is also a way to build trust and credibility around your brand as well as easily communicate with potential clients.

For example, a graphic artist and an illustrator can make good use of Instagram’s platform. They can post their ‘for fun’ projects as well as make personal updates. Aside from their portfolio, younger users who are looking for commissioned pieces can easily access sample works and share them with their friends.

Because social media provides instant messaging, it’s easier to communicate with your audience and potential clients. While e-mail is still a formal and more professional route, it’s always great to have the option of convenience.

Social media presence and building a portfolio could be the first steps of kick-starting one’s freelancing career. Get ready to make connections and reach out to clients to come closer to the job of your dreams.

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