Organizations and High-Tech Security: Who Benefits The Most?

it administrator monitoring the server

In the age where almost anything being digitalized, security measures for data protection have also kept up with the times. Organizations take precaution to the next level when it comes to their privacy. From physical security such as access control to 24/7 surveillance, integrating network security has become a necessity.   A study reveals that 71% of Americans fear that their personal and financial information might get leaked, while 67% fear identity theft. In this generation, these issues can easily be solved by a technical IT solutions company.

Although the same amount of security is normally implemented in all areas of an organization, some departments are more likely to thrive more than others in this integration. Note that this doesn’t imply that other departments won’t be affected as much. Properly guarded data is essential for everyone, no matter what department.

Human Resources

This department files a lot of employees’ sensitive information, such as ID numbers, bank accounts, addresses, mobile numbers, and the like. This information is passed on to agencies like health care, insurance, and the IRS. Other information they hold includes customer data, employee and the executive master list, intellectual property, policy manuals, and employee candidates.

Security measures are defined to provide different levels of protection for this information. A higher level of security is implemented for more sensitive and personal information such as payroll data, intellectual property, executives’ files, customer information, and financial data. This ensures that only those entrusted with this information are the only ones who get access to them. A more lenient measure, on the other hand, is observed for information that needs to be shared to the whole organization, such as policy manuals and memos.

Finance and Accounting

Like HR, the Finance and Accounting department holds valuable information that must be kept confidential at all times. Limiting access to this information to only authorized individuals boosts this department’s security. Technical and security solutions companies have helped organizations enforce a stricter rule for identity authentication to prevent illegal access. Moreover, a secured network contains systems that can track a website or a network’s activity to aid in the protection of financial data.

Sales (for hotels and other vacation establishments)

lock as symbol for Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation on a notebook computer

Countries such as the UK, Canada, China, and South Korea has implemented data protection regulations for the hospitality industry. With the amount of personal information hotels and other vacation establishments hold, privacy must be a priority. High-tech protection of data is backed up by the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. This regulation is issued by the European Union, but hotels around the world must comply.

This regulation requires hotels and other establishments in the hospitality industry to keep each and every client’s personal data private and protected. This regulation also urges establishments to properly manage who can access this information and what to use them for. Customers must also be informed of who can access their data (through the privacy policy and terms and conditions in their websites) when they input their data online.

Data security and protection can be costly, but having all of your confidential and important data safeguarded is an investment. Not only for HR, finance, and sales, but for all other organizational departments, businesses, and individuals as well. Our whole life and career are pretty much contained in our computers and phones. Hackers are getting smarter, so we must always observe strict security precautions.

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