Outdoor Entrepreneur: Combine Business with Your Love for the Outdoors


Many people assume that it is hard to find work that combines something they love with making enough money to support their lifestyle. These people usually do not become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are the kind of people who ask questions and then seek out the answers.

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to find a way to incorporate your love of the great outdoors into a sustainable business, then you are in luck. There are numerous outdoorsy activities that people will happily pay to experience.

Be Sure About What You Want

Think long and hard about what you want out of a job. Starting a business is always fraught with setbacks and pitfalls. If you are not passionate enough about starting something from the ground up, you may want to explore alternate options.

Investing in a lawn care franchise or becoming a freelance landscaper is a great way to work outdoors with less risk than opening an adventure park. Take stock of your assets and how much time and effort you can invest in your business before deciding if you want a high-risk venture that may fail or a low-risk franchise that will still allow you to be your own boss.

Seasonal Outdoor Enterprises

Seasonal outdoor businesses usually take the form of camps. Summer camps are a popular example of this type of business. If you have the land available and can provide accommodation and dining resources, you could open a sleep-away camp.

If you enjoy arts and crafts and hiking, then you can open a day camp where people can enjoy activities and return home at the end of the day. If you have a particular interest, you could even specialize in it, such as nature walks that teach people how to identify edible plants, survival treks, or even something simple such as a nature painting or a sport.

Will your camp be just for children or a team-building station for corporations, or a get-away for families? The certifications and type of insurance you will need to get depend on the demographic you will be servicing and the type of camp you plan to run.

Dedicated Adventure Activities


If the idea of working with children sounds stressful and you do not enjoy being based out of one area, then consider opening a dedicated adventure-type business. You can offer a range of packages to guide either a large group or smaller groups of people.

The adventure activities can range from hiking in the wilderness to extreme camping or kayaking along famous rivers. These are all bucket list items that are sure to generate great interest and revenue. Ensure you collect any certifications you need in wilderness survival and first aid and have a reliable satellite phone ready in case of emergencies.

Think Creatively to Find Business Opportunities

Some people love the outdoors and living in the wilderness, but they do not necessarily enjoy being around too many people. If this sounds like you, then do not despair, as you can still find a way to generate revenue from utilizing your land. If you have a meadow or acres of empty land, then rent out plots to campers or RV owners.

You can maintain your isolation while making money. As it is your land, you can set the rules and only have to do a daily patrol to make sure people respect the use of the land. As it is private property, you can call law enforcement to remove anyone who uses unsafe camping practices.

If you live near a lake but do not own land, then consider investing in a boat. Most holiday-goers are interested in experiencing spending the day out on a lake in a boat. You can rent out your boat to these people at different rates depending on how long they plan to be out on the lake. Anything can be a business opportunity if you approach it with a plan.

Whether you choose to start an adventure tour, teach people wilderness survival, or build bespoke treehouses, always remember why you choose to do this work. Entrepreneurs have such passion for their work that they are at risk of burning out. It is tough to avoid this when working in a field you enjoy doing activities that you love.

Take time to take a step back. Evaluate if the work you are doing is being well-compensated, and do not be afraid to hire people to do the rough and tumble stuff while you manage activities. Your vision drives the enterprise, which means that you deserve the same kindness and compassion you would show any of your staff or customers.

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