Peace and Quiet: 3 Ways An Hour of Meditation a Day Makes Employees Better

Woman relaxing in her office

When it comes to boosting productivity in the workplace, people tend to think of action strategies: team-building activities, standing meetings, multitasking, etc. What many fail to recognise is the fact that stillness, spending some quiet time, staying calm, can be beneficial, too. In a word: meditation. It may sound counterintuitive for productivity to take breaks. It may even feel like a waste of time. But believe it or not, it will make a difference, particularly in these aspects:

Company Culture

When you encourage mindfulness breaks among employees, it creates a feeling that you’re not only concerned about their production, them working tirelessly and making more money, but also on their well-being. Employees then experience a sense of dignity and respect for their person, which then translates to them being more loyal to you and their job. be intentional in promoting meditation at work.

Give employees a 30-minute to an hour break every day. You can do it at an appointed time, perhaps, in the morning, just before you start on your tasks. Or, you can also give the employees the freedom to choose whenever they want to go to quiet time. Consider rolling out training classes for self-reflection just so everybody knows what exactly to do in meditation breaks. Take a cue from Google’s Search Inside Yourself course. It has made a positive difference in the tech company’s corporate culture, with employees being able to nurture their mental-emotional health.

Burnout Burn

For sure, you’re not unaware of the fact that conflicts and pressures are everyday realities in the workplace. Without some breathing space and time to process things, employees are bound to get burned out sooner or later. What they need is an outlet. Meditation provides just that. It promotes relaxation. It allows people to explore thoughts and emotions. Essentially, it helps them get back on track.

Aside from implementing programs, make sure that your facilities are ready, too. Dedicate a room or two for mindfulness breaks. Fill it with comfortable commercial furniture. Melbourne-based fit out specialists recommends providing lounge chairs, including sofas, ottomans, and booth seats, as well as tables with different heights. It’s also good to add living green walls to further increase the sense of comfort and relaxation in the space. Consult interior designers for the revamp of your office.

Focused Productivity

Employees working in an office

A lot of studies show that meditation improves concentration. Your employees become less vulnerable to distraction when they’re given mindfulness breaks. This is crucial if you decided to jump into the bandwagon of open-plan offices, where sources of work interruptions are everywhere. So if you want to raise employees who have a laser-focus attitude towards work, meditation is one answer. But do note that you can’t just promote meditation — you have to walk the walk, talk the talk. Set an example for your team. Set aside time for mindfulness. Be committed to the habit.

Remember, it’s not just brainstorming sessions or corporate trips that make better employees. The quietness may be the missing ingredient in your culture. Start encouraging meditation among your team members.

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