Seven Elements of Effective Office Design

team working in open office design

According to the “Happiness in the Workplace” study by National Business Furniture, employees’ mental well-being and productivity can suffer if their workspace isn’t satisfactory. But what makes an office satisfactory? Is it the furniture, the design, the layout, the colors of the walls? Well, yes; all those factors impact employee satisfaction levels. There are several elements that make up successful and satisfactory office designs, and those are some of them.

Here are some design tips you can work with to positively influence the aesthetic of a workplace and influence employee happiness and productivity.

Select Comfortable Furniture

Sitting in discomfort for eight hours on end can be distracting and can pose a myriad of potential health hazards. Back pain, for instance, is one of the most common causes of missed work, according to the American Chiropractic Association. Whether new or used, the office furniture in your Salt Lake City workplace should be comfortable to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of pain and injury.

Let in the Light

The amount of light can affect your moods and energy. For example, dim light can create a sleepy environment, while harsh lights can make it hard for your eyes to focus. The answer to this is adequate lighting, preferably natural lighting. An office with windows allows natural light into the area, illuminating the room for employees to see better, and creating a more pleasant ambiance.

Add a Little Color

Colorful walls and accent pieces can stimulate the brain and affect people’s moods. For example, blues and greens can provide a calm atmosphere, while reds can help people pay greater attention to detail. Natural colors can also make rooms seem bigger, lighter, and airier.

Provide Adequate Break Facilities

Having a separate, well-equipped break area can dramatically increase productivity. This is because your employees will be more relaxed and will come back to their work calm and rested, with a clear head.

Make Use of Walls

Make your walls serve a purpose that is not just decorative. Put up some shelves to eliminate the need for more cabinets. You can even add a whiteboard to promote collaboration and productivity.

Place Some Plants

Modern Office with plantsPlants are not only decorative but also increase oxygen levels. They likewise decrease the amount of dust in the air and stave off airborne bacteria. Plants can also lower stress and enhance productivity. According to studies, when you work in an environment with plants, you are 12% more productive and are less stressed than employees who are surrounded by bare walls.

Additionally, plants can lower the operation and management costs of your workplace. They can cool air temperature by 10 degrees and humidify the air to a range of 30% to 60% – the recommended range for human comfort.

Offer Both Open and Closed Spaces

Open floor plans and private workspaces come with their own benefits – get the best of each style by applying both design principles to your office. Open offices are great for facilitating communication and collaboration and for strengthening team relationships. However, it can be distracting, which is why having separate private spaces is important. When you have both open and more private areas, your employees can choose which environment suits their type of work. This increases morale and productivity.

Effective office design should leave your employees with smiles on their faces. Incorporating these design elements into your workplace is a simple solution for a better bottom line.

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