The Need for Funeral Preparations in Spain

Casket surrounded with different types of flowers

The funeral cost in Spain continues to rise. Most families in Spain take out some type of funeral plan to take care of the inevitable expense. Added to that is the administrative headache of what is obviously a difficult time for the family.

The Spanish law stipulates that the police must be called as well as a doctor. The doctor will come up with a temporary certificate. After this, either the police or doctor will contact a local funeral director to take care of the deceased. The funeral director will request a release form to be signed, which may turn out to be part of the service contract. This contract with the funeral director often takes away control over the arrangements for the funeral and the final price.

If you are a foreigner residing in Spain, it is best to plan carefully. Get a funeral plan for expats as it can help relieve your headache and heartache caused by this unfortunate event.

Flexibility of Selections

You might have religious affiliations or preferences that would have to be considered for your wake or burial. Funeral homes have a wide variety of selections that will include the colour, design, and material of the casket. You can even personalise the flowers that you want or the type of service that you prefer. You have to pick the right provider. Making these arrangements early on prepares your funeral, which will reflect your preference and style.


Person calculating expensesThis is what most people avoid talking about because they think that funeral planning is morbid. The fact is that funeral homes give discounts and other bonuses that you can take advantage of to save you money. This is given before you actually pass on. It also eliminates your family’s financial burdens when you die. It is like an investment for the future, if you think about it. Your family will experience mental and emotional turmoil when you leave them. Take out the burden of them dealing with the cost for your interment and burial.

Peace of Mind

Death in the family is always a time for mourning. Having peace of mind is difficult during this tragic event. If you love your family, you won’t want to pass on to them the financial burdens related to your passing away. They shouldn’t be shelling out for all the costs, especially if you have a source of income while you are still alive. Having things arranged and paid for after your death will bring relief to your loved ones from the emotional and mental worries about money. That is the best blessing that they will remember.

Preparing to let go is something most of us do not welcome easily; however, it is inevitable. Some think of death as sad, bad, or even ominous, but life is so short. There should not be worries anymore about paying burial packages. You still have to consider the future, and planning for it means preparing for the time to go. You should be remembered as someone they love.

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