Think Green: Home Waste Management

Garbage bag being held

According to statistics, Utah produces over four million tons of both commercial and industrial waste every year. With numbers that seem so depressing and a problem that appears so insuperable, what can an average citizen contribute to making a difference in this ever-worsening dilemma? You would be surprised at how just managing your waste goes a long way.

Studies show that 57% of the waste we generate comes from suburban areas. Imagine the positive impact you can bring by managing your waste at home. If each household in a neighborhood practices proper waste management or at least hire waste management services for their Utah home, we will certainly see a significant improvement.

Web influencers and environmental advocates in social media can sometimes set overwhelming standards, such as practicing minimalism or leading a zero-waste lifestyle. Although such big efforts are indeed commendable, it can be challenging for many. The good news? Helping Mother Nature doesn’t require drastic lifestyle changes. By starting an effective waste management system at home, you can already make a change. Here are some tips you can follow:


This word appears in every waste management campaign. It does not only reduce the amount of waste being produced by households, but it also allows us to save energy, valuable natural resources, and even money.

In fact, Utah has been progressively and actively implementing recycling projects for recyclable goods. In Layton City alone, statistics show that its residents were able to recycle more than 23,962 tons of PET bottles and plastics, thus saving a significant amount of natural resources and electricity.

Segregate waste

The practice of separating biodegradables from non-biodegradables helps the recycling process become easier, more efficient, and more effective. We all know that improper trash disposal results in additional expenses and eventually makes recycling more time-consuming. Moreover, if a recyclable material becomes contaminated with another material, then there would be no material to recycle.

Opt for non-plastic options

wooden set of utensils

Though these are pricier than the typical plastic cups, bags, and utensils that we use, switching to non-plastic options has many benefits. For instance, many businesses have unveiled interesting innovations, such as “green” plates manufactured from leaves and edible cutlery.

Repair if possible

As an alternative to disposing of damaged appliances or furniture, why not try having them repaired? While you shouldn’t force yourself to use things that are impossible to repair, it will not hurt to at least inspect them to know if there’s still hope for your damaged items before deciding to throw them away.

Maximize technology

Instead of accepting monthly billing statements through printed letters, why not apply for paperless billing. A lot of service companies like banks and telecommunications have made this option available. This serves the dual purpose of helping save the environment, save you from the paper clutter, and make it much easier for you to organize and file your documents (digitally).

Remember that we only have one planet. It’s our responsibility to take care of it for us, our loved ones, and the generations to come.

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