Young Entrepreneur: 3 COVID-19 Innovations That Could Inspire You to Do Business

young entrepreneur

More often than not, innovations in one field have always been a product of other innovations prior. Take, for instance, Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642), the Italian polymath. He was a genius par excellence: philosopher, mathematician, engineer, astronomer just to name some of the disciplines he mastered. But Galileo built on knowledge made by other notable men before him. Top of that list is Aristotle (384 – 322 BC), the Greek philosopher who was also a polymath.

Specifically, Galileo studied Aristotle’s theory of gravity and disproved it. The Italian genius claimed that the theory proposed by Aristotle that the speed of an object’s fall is proportional to its weight is not true. Of course, we now know Galileo is right.

And so in this light, we present certain innovations that have flourished in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, the tech-preneurs behind them have done a prodigious amount of work just to arrive at these solutions.

In short, they’re answering the call of the times. Instead of putting their heads in the sand like a cowardly ostrich, they’re innovating. And we’re hoping their work could inspire you to achieve as well just as Galileo built on Aristotle’s premises. Check out 3 solutions that made strides.

The Telepresence Robot

Think about the isolation. Think about the sorrow. As the pandemic has discouraged us from seeing one another, we are separated seemingly by a million miles from our loved ones. That can certainly evoke the feeling of wanting to connect. This is especially true today when the number of American deaths due to the virus has surpassed the 500,000 mark.

So seeing a great need, OhmniLabs created a solution: the telepresence robot. It’s an innovation that is a product of the times. Best of all, it can be a big hit.

As described by its inventors, the telepresence robot is basically a high-tech mobile stick that’s been fitted with a high-resolution camera. The result? You can talk to anyone who owns one. Of course, this is an online tool and would need the internet to function.

But imagine the convenience. With a telepresence robot, you can now speak to a person you have wanted to speak to since last year. Even better, you can see him talk just like you’re doing a video call.

Deployed in hospitals, COVID-19 patients can now connect with their families from far away. Indeed, seniors who could be alone at home can benefit a lot from such an innovation.

woman gardening

Microgreens at Home

Another new innovation that should prove to be timely is the Hamama. With people hunkering down at home, getting fresh produce can be a tall order. That’s where Hamama comes in. It’s a microgreen kit that allows you to grow your veggies right from home.

A little warning, however, about launching new products should bid you well. Being able to create a remarkable product that can have excellent results in the market is one thing. Launching it in the right way is another.

Take note that you should look after your trade secret. Someone in your team for one who has knowledge of the product could reverse engineer it, and become your competition. For one, you may have to file for a patent so your unique product may not be copied. Take note even computer programs can be patented.

That is why hiring an experienced lawyer to help you with your product launch is wise. A dependable legal team should help you navigate the ‘treacherous waters’ of introducing a new product to the market. And in the process, they’ll give you the protection you need so your business can grow by leaps and bounds.

Online Video Chats

Today, millions of American students must have to contend with online classes. While that is certainly a welcome change in view of the virus, that has produced tons of apprehension from both parents and their kids. Many parents feel that they’re too busy to attend to their children’s learning. Some may lack the necessary skills to help their kids achieve more online.

On the part of young students, online learning can be scary. They are in a new territory. Where before they have teachers to ask in a traditional classroom setting, their online access to teachers is now severely limited.

In short, many American kids are falling behind in their online schools. Worse, learning is simply not as robust as children don’t have the traditional supportive setting of a classroom.

The solution is providing better support. Outschool, a Y-combinator-backed new company, produces online classes using video chat. These classes are taught by independent teachers.

And true enough, the demand has soared. Even poorer families are getting a lift. Outschool is giving away free classes that are worth as much as $1 million.

Finding a useful innovation can indeed be your claim to fame, or perhaps your baby step to your first million. Best of all, it can be a glorious opportunity to better the lives of people in these most trying of times.

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