Business Strategies

business plan

Corporate Happy Hours as the Perfect Networking Opportunity

Corporate happy hours are an ideal setting for networking opportunities.  Activities such as stand-up comedy, karaoke, game nights, and potlucks can help create a positive atmosphere that encourages meaningful conversations.  Corporate happy hours are also great for building long-term relationships with potential partners or mentors.  With some planning and creative ideas, you can ensure that

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business opening concept

A Guide to Different Business Models

• Sole proprietorship: no formal paperwork required, unlimited personal liability, but high risk and reward. • Partnership: similar to sole proprietorship, with two or more people sharing management responsibilities. • Limited Liability Company (LLC): owners have limited personal liability while also sharing management tasks. • Product or service-oriented business model: creating and selling products or

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Man and Woman Near Table

Outsourcing: How To Help Your Small Business Reach Its Goals

Every business wants to streamline its operations for greater efficiency and profitability. But many companies don’t have the resources or expertise to do this in-house. In such situations, outsourcing business functions can be a critical part of the process. Outsourcing is the practice of assigning specific tasks to an outside vendor. This vendor may specialize in

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apps on phone

Building Mobile-First Websites: 5 Things to Remember

Building a mobile-first website is integral to keeping up with modern technology and web development. As more people rely on their phones for online activities, businesses need a website optimized for mobile users. Here are five essential things to remember when building a mobile-first website. 1. Responsive Design Is Essential Responsive design means the website

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