Business Strategies

COVID-19: A List of Drugs That Have Been Tried to Ease Symptoms

This time last year, when COVID-19 was just starting to spread alarmingly, patients typically took paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease their symptoms. England's National Health Service (NHS) has approved either drug for self-medicating the illness. Some patients also took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but reports came up that it has adverse effects. The NHS, however,

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business woman working

4 Underrated Marketing Tools and Elements

Businesses have to rely on attracting and securing customers to ensure that profit continues to flow. Without people purchasing products or services, all internal operations will not matter. You will have to ensure that you execute all necessary strategies to ensure that your company’s profit will not become a problem. The marketing and sales divisions

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company recruitments

Giving Back to the Community by Recruiting Talent Locally

Small businesses are realizing the importance of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Consumers are more demanding from the organizations that they support. They want these businesses to take a stand on important environmental and social issues. The result is that even small businesses must create a CSR program that will impact the community where the business

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shaking hands

Millennial Homebuyers: How They’re Approaching the Housing Market

America’s dominant generation today is the highly nurtured and pampered millennials. Their upbringing led them to become confident and ambitious achievers. They expect employers and companies to take good care of them, provided they trade something off in exchange. Such as their skills, time, and money. The common millennial attitude may lead many of us

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