Business Strategies

Modern staircase and hall with glass banister in a office building

Top Reasons to Invest in Facility Hygiene

Keeping communities and facilities hygienic through proper and adequate sanitation facilities is a struggle that billions of people all over the world face daily. An estimated 2.6 billion individuals are found out to have little or no access to sanitation, which results in at least 10% of global diseases, specifically diarrhea. Furthermore, it is estimated

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pressured businesswoman

Reasons Pressure Won’t Help You Reach Your Goals

Everybody has goals in life, and they give us a sense of purpose, which is critical in maintaining our self-esteem. From a young age, we’ve been taught to set goals and complete them, usually in exchange for a reward. As a result, we’ve carried this mindset into adulthood that we have to achieve all our

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Household Finance: How to Set up and Manage a Measly Budget

Budgeting has gotten a bad reputation over the years. For many, it simply means that you cannot enjoy nicer things. You can’t eat out for dinner. You can’t buy new clothes and shoes. You can’t pay for that gym membership you want. No more weekend staycations. No more shopping sprees. But that is not the

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people planning together

4 Financial Principles They Didn’t Teach You in School

Many high schools and colleges do not teach basic personal finance, leaving young adults to fend for themselves when they enter the workforce. More often than not, young adults have no idea how to balance their checkbook, apply for credit, budget their money, and how to minimize debt. While hiring a Utah financial-planning service can

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