Business Strategies

SBA Loan

5 Business Situations That May Require an SBA Loan

You may not like going into debt to boost your business. But sometimes, it’s what you might need to do to keep your business operational. Bearing in mind that 50% of businesses don’t survive the first five years, you should do everything possible to avoid such a fate. Certain situations call for borrowing money. And

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Preparing for Funeral Services

It’s not something that you’d like to think about or even something you’d like to plan. But whether it happens to you or your loved one, you should be prepared for death and the corresponding funeral arrangements. Funeral expenses, if you’re caught unprepared, can be a significant dent on your budget. You can spend anywhere

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Divorce concpet

Protecting the Well-being of Your Children During Divorce

Conflict is inevitable among married couples. Some have it worse than others. But even so, most couples choose to stay together, especially those who have children. For the sake of their child’s well-being, they try to put band-aids on their broken relationship. Although it’s a responsible and noble decision to make as parents, there are

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Business people in a huddle

Set-Up Your Business to Succeed with These Following Practical Tips

No businessman will start a business to fail and not make any profit. To go through all that hard work, gather all that capital and funding, process all the required documents, and spend hours in meetings without the intention of making the business succeed and last is insanity. Every businessman and entrepreneur wants nothing but

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