Developing a Waste Management Plan That Works for Your Business

sustainable business

It is a sad fact that over the years, our waste has been increasing exponentially. As a company, you can choose to change your wasteful ways or turn to recycling to have a positive effect, not just on the environment but also on your bottom line.

Many companies have opted to reuse or recycle their paper and other disposable products. As a company, having a waste management plan should not be about meeting the legal requirements, it should be about the environment as well as the wellbeing of your staff.

To meet their goals, some companies have opted for waste disposal services, including skip bin hire here in Sydney, and hiring a waste management partner. Below are some steps that have helped other companies meet their goals and be environment-friendly at the same time.

Have an audit of the waste you produce

Before you can even start planning, you need to understand the kind of waste your company generates. When it is time to collect garbage, have it sorted and measured. This will help you forecast both the types and percentages of waste you produce, whether every week or monthly.

Go through the numbers with your waste management partner and ask them to work with you to make sure all waste that is recyclable is recycled. You will be shocked by the amount of recyclable waste that ends up in your waste bins.

Assign waste management responsibility


Even though you have a waste management partner, they will not be at your premises all the time. You need to appoint a person or a team whose role is to manage your waste on site. The person chosen to champion the project should be enthusiastic about waste management.

They are not only responsible for minimising waste, but they should also educate others on the importance of proper waste management. After all, it is a team effort. They should communicate your plans to the rest of the team and also train them on the different waste management options.

To encourage participation, they can have a board where they record the progress. Keeping the team informed keeps them motivated to do better in the coming months.

Track progress

You have to demand transparency from your waste management partner. You need to know all the details of your waste management. They should always disclose when the waste was collected, who collected it, how much it weighed and the treatment process.

This will allow you to evaluate how successful your plan has been. For example, with this data, you are better placed to compare your recycling rate week to week or monthly.

Running a business should not just be about making profits. You should strive to have a positive impact on the environment. Part of which entails minimising the waste you produce but also ensuring your waste is well treated.

Having a waste management company can come in handy, especially with the disposal of waste. The above are a few tips to help you start your journey.

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