Business Strategies

people planning together

What Is a Business Continuity Management Plan and Why It Is Important

Building a business may take time for it to succeed. It takes determination, passion, and careful planning to ensure that the business is running smoothly and gaining profit. However, there are some things in life that we cannot control, such as natural disasters and other devastating catastrophes. When this happens, everyone will be affected, including

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Different books on a shelf

Boost Sales by Tempting Book Lovers With Great Cover Designs

In 2018, people were surprised that e-book sales dropped and the sale of printed books began to climb. From January to September, sales from hardbacks and paperbacks combined to almost $4 billion. E-books only made $770.9 million in the same period. People are also discovering more channels to find books in, with Amazon for those

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People standing altogether at a gym

How Did Gym Culture Become a Thing?

Never before has a great body been so desired and so accessible, with photos and videos of people at the gym or working out being posted to social media daily by the thousands. Today, fitness culture has truly permeated the American landscape. Even in suburban areas such as Chandler, Arizona, gyms are popping up fast

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sustainable business

Developing a Waste Management Plan That Works for Your Business

It is a sad fact that over the years, our waste has been increasing exponentially. As a company, you can choose to change your wasteful ways or turn to recycling to have a positive effect, not just on the environment but also on your bottom line. Many companies have opted to reuse or recycle their

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