Business Strategies

air conditioning

Beating the Summer Heat: Office Edition

Summer is synonymous to beach trips, swimming pools, and parties. But for those working in offices, it can be quite an unbearable time as the summer heat can raise an office’s temperature and humidity to uncomfortable levels, even with a centralized air conditioning or cooling system installed. High humidity and temperature can negatively affect your

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Scrap Collector

Tips for the Novice Scrap Collector

Metals are materials that can be recycled without reducing or losing any of its properties. Recycling scrap metal has been one of the most lucrative practices because the metal is present in numerous items or products we use in our daily lives. Understandably, many people are getting into the business of collecting scrap metal. No

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construction materials inside the warehouse

Maximising Your Budget on Construction Materials

Every contractor wants to finish a project within budget, but many fail to do so. A 2017 study in the International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology found that nine out of ten projects experienced cost overruns. One reason for going over the set budget is inadequate planning for the cost of materials. It’s difficult

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packaging machine

Caring for Your Packing Machine

The care or maintenance of equipment can often be overlooked but should never be avoided. Packing and filling machines seem sturdy, but they need a lot of care put into them lest they break. While it’s easy to order a replacement from its manufacturers, it’s best to ensure their continued working condition to avoid delays.

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