Business Strategies

teacher with her pupils

Top Creative Outlets That Will Open Business Opportunities for You

Take a look at Instagram. If the number of new business pages there is any indication, it only means that people somehow found a way to earn amid the pandemic. How did you spend yours? Andi is a single mother who, during the height of the lockdown measures, decided to go into embroidery again. She

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Disabled man

Leveling the Playing Field for Differently Abled People

A disability used to be limiting and discriminatory. Young people who grew up with disabilities find themselves with fewer opportunities. This reality is present even in aspects of employment. But through the years, more companies have learned to practice an inclusive approach. Nowadays, it does not matter if a person is differently abled. Here are

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business owner

4 Elements of a Successful Product Launch

There comes a time in every entrepreneur’s career when, after years of development, focus groups, and prototypes, their first product is finally ready for the market. The only thing that needs to be done is to launch it. However, a product launch can be as complicated as the development process itself. Just like any business

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shaking hands

6 Golden Rules When Hiring an Employee

The best relationship is always a two-way street. The same applies even to interviewers and hires. However, many articles already talk about what employers need from their applicants, but not much discusses the role companies have in making the hiring process as pleasant as possible. If it’s your first time to hire people or you

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