Business Strategies

Customers in a restaurant

How You Can Turn Your Brand into a Household Name

There are brands that have become so big and popular that they are now staples of everyday life. It does not happen overnight. Usually, for a brand to stick in the memory of people, it takes a unique brand name and a timeless logo and numerous marketing campaigns — all telling the same message. Coca

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laptop with post it notes

Light-Bulb Moment: How to Come Up with a Business Idea

Today, starting a business has become more appealing for people looking to grow their professional careers. That’s proven by the existence of hundreds, if not thousands, of different new businesses in the market nowadays. True enough, it’s a good source of income, as well as an opportunity to share your skills and give back to

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Lock as symbol for Privacy and General Data Protection Regulation on a notebook computer

What’s the Real Cost of Cybercrimes? Read the Data

Businesses face cyberthreats every day—yet, many are still unprepared to deal with these types of modern-day sabotage and espionage. Moreover, a chunk of these attacks and threats—43%—are directed at small businesses, companies that are less likely to be able to recover from the consequences of cyberthreats. Despite this, studies show that only 14% of small

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air duct

Three HVAC System Design Tips for the Office

People spend a huge chunk of their time working in the office, so it is important for them to feel comfortable during their stay. Office workers who are at ease with their surroundings will be more likely to finish their workload efficiently. And one way company owners can provide their workers with an environment that

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