Business Strategies

payroll blue binder with time sheet and calculator

Boost Payroll Efficiency with These 6 Improvements

Each cog in your organization plays an important role, and one of them is payroll. Many business owners believe that as long as their employees get their checks on time, they don’t have to make any more improvements. There is always room to become better and more efficient, and doing so boosts the overall performance

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Woman relaxing in her office

Peace and Quiet: 3 Ways An Hour of Meditation a Day Makes Employees Better

When it comes to boosting productivity in the workplace, people tend to think of action strategies: team-building activities, standing meetings, multitasking, etc. What many fail to recognise is the fact that stillness, spending some quiet time, staying calm, can be beneficial, too. In a word: meditation. It may sound counterintuitive for productivity to take breaks.

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data protection

What Happens When Your Identity is Stolen on Social Media?

Reader’s Digest shares more than 35,000 Canadians are victims of identity theft every year. In a survey of a thousand online respondents in Canada, 17 percent said they corresponded with someone who faked their identity, and 8 percent experienced someone gaining access on their social media accounts without their permission. Unfortunately, this pattern of social media

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smiling entrepreneur standing at the side of the front door of her restaurant

Restaurant Franchising 101: Starting a QSR Franchise

Are you dreaming of investing in a restaurant franchise? While this idea seems enticing, you have to know that this is a risky investment. Although less complex as starting your own business, franchising comes with its own challenges as well. So if you are looking into opportunities to franchise a restaurant or QSR, we have

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